
Making do with what "paint" you have

My roommates and I have invested in quite a few pots of citadel paints, but not nearly enough to cover any color we could possibly want, so I'm going to explain how I got some of these colors and effects. For the one above, I made my own custom washes! The zombies use a wash of 1:1 Guilliman Blue Glaze & Seraphim Sepia Wash over Fenrisian Grey layer. The Skeletons are a homemade wash using Karak Stone layer with a tiny bit of Sepia wash, a few drops of water and a few drops of Flow-Aid paint additive (Liquidtex), over a white primer. (All paints Citadel brand; miniatures are Dungeons & Dragons: Nolzur's Marvelous Unpainted Miniatures - about $4 for a pack of 2 medium creatures) For this magic effect I used a combination of blues and purples for the base coat and washes, using wet blending techniques, but then finished it off with a glitter nail polish from the dollar store! Get creative! The dollar store also sometimes sells acrylic paints which you can use on